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Education Designer


Understanding how to design and build learning frameworks that cater to adults, their motivations and life experience is the art and science of helping adults learn - also known as Andragogy.


Where Pedagogy is reserved for teacher/student, it's important to realise that adults learn differently, based on their life experiences and desire to solve tangible and immediate problems.


I've built academic courses for the Education, Health and Finance sector with Subject Matter Experts (SME's) as a leaning designer using the entire kit bag of multimedia, game design, video media and software build in tow.


Gamification​ isn't simply redesigning Snakes and Ladders to fit another criteria. It borrows from the principles of game design and delivers information in an engaging and familiar format. How to attain Mastery over a subject appeals to the motivation of any learner. 


Gamification involves rethinking how we approach a project; what journey you take a member through; how to reinforce behaviour as they step through from one achievement to another; one known idea to an unknown idea and how to promote decision making and self guidance throughout those touchpoints. 


User Experience (UX) design, personas, prototyping, wireframe design through to Proof of Concept are all key features of Gamification.



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